Okay two wonderful MM's have sent me two wonderful beautiful dresses.
Now they arrived today and I tried them on.
Now dress one is pink, dark pink and is satin.
Now sin one, the pink thing.
I will tell you what I told the MM when she PM'd me offering the use of her dress.
Anyway, she talked me round to the idea and I'm glad she did because the colour is really nice!
The other dress is the one whitecat sent M4L (there is a post on it somewhere lol)
Again it is beautiful!
So they arrived with chuckles this afternoon (that's the nickname for my postman, because he always has a face like a bulldog licking piss off of a nettle, although I need to stop with the nicknames because DS1 called him chuckles to his face last week and I just laughed, mortified, and told chuckles that was DS1 new word for this week so he was calling everyone it
judging by the extra angry bulldog licking extra strong piss off of a nettle look he shot me though I would say that he wasn't entirely convinced
Anyhoo, I see the packages, I can almost hear music as he hands (shoves) them over to me, I have been waiting for these!!
I take the packages into the bedroom and open them like a crazy lady, the dresses are only gorgeous!!!!
Both of them are gorgeous!!!
I realise that I am however a porker, and go rooting around my underwear drawer for my "suck it all in" Magic knickers (I use the word knickers loosely because they look more like a skin coloured tights version of cycling shorts with an extra high waist that Simon Cowel would be proud of!)
I find them and start to literally stuff myself into them, pulling them up and squeezing the fat in!!
(I then make a mental note to do this in the bathroom of the hotel so that Jolly Green Giant doesn't have to witness this monstrosity)
After I am now sufficiently sucked in (well not so much sucked in, but the fat is being kept in one place and not wobbling around as much) I try on the dresses!
Dress one, oh it is gorgeous, the neckline is prefect and the shape is so flattering.
The material however is not.
It shown up every single lump and bump, I can see the spare tyre underneath my first spare tyre, I'm sure if I look closely enough I can even see my stretch mark indents shining through.
Satin is so unforgiving!!!
I realise that I need an extremely forgiving dress (think the Queen of catholic dresses, ye know with all the forgiveness and all)
I think about what to do to cover my arms, so I wonder what a black shawl would look like, I of course have no shawl so I grab a pair of trousers and drape them over my shoulder.
Holy Frick, they have bulked me out to the size of the incredible hulk!!
People would mistake me for a cross dressing Mr Universe!
I promptly remove the offending item.
I get DH to take a pic of me wearing the dress, and DS1 tells me I look like a princess!
I pose for the photos and just as I am about to look at them DS2 comes out and gasps.
"Ah Mammy!!! you have a big fat belly like Kung Fu Panda"
I look at the photos and they do indeed confirm what DS2 is telling me, so I try on the second.
All well so far.
I ignore DH saying "wtf is that??" as I whip off the dress and remember that he has never actually set eyes on the tights/cycling shorts/suck it all in knickers combo I have going on under the dress, sure he will get over it
I then put on dress two.
This is gorgeous too, and it comes with a shawl which is a bonus!
I realise that this dress has the thinnest straps I have ever seen in my life.
Now I have two choices,
I could either go braless, or show my bra straps like a brazen hussy
I consider the no bra thing for a second and them come to my senses.
There aint no way I'm letting the spaniels ears off of the leash for the night!
I would be constantly moving my nipples from my arm pits, back to the centre of the dress, or even worse, I would have them making great friends with my belly button, actually below the sash!!!
Oh god I have visions of the sash being tied up and the shape of two nipples poking out from under it...............NOT the look I plan to go for.
I rummage around for a bra and find some sort of liquid filled one with thin straps.
This seems to keep the girls where they should be and the straps don't look too bad.
I place the shawl over me and I think this could be okay after all.
How the hell I keep the shawl up is beyond me cos I sure as hell ain't getting out my bat wings for the world to see (why bat wings? well lets just say that they are a step up from the bingo wings)
I go to get the shoes that I ordered a while ago, and put them on.
As I go to show DH this dress I realise that I can't feckin walk in the heels and nearly go arse over tit onto the kitchen floor (that's just what I would need, a trip to see doctor love with a broken leg whilst I have my incredibly hairy legs (I know, there is no excuse apart from the fact that my octuplet carrying sized belly makes it awkward to shave them) and even more horrendous tights/cycling shorts/suck it all in knickers.
Now they arrived today and I tried them on.
Now dress one is pink, dark pink and is satin.
Now sin one, the pink thing.
I will tell you what I told the MM when she PM'd me offering the use of her dress.
Thank you so much for your offer but I feel I have to decline.
You see I already share an uncanny resemblance to miss piggy and if I were to actually wear the colour pink I would simply be adding fuel to the already blazing fire
I'm simply not brave enough!
Black I can do, dark dark red at a push, but pink!! OMG I'm sweating thinking about it
Oh but thank you so much for thinking of me, I really appreciate it!
Ye are braver than me when it comes to dresses I tell ye
Thanks again
You see I already share an uncanny resemblance to miss piggy and if I were to actually wear the colour pink I would simply be adding fuel to the already blazing fire
I'm simply not brave enough!
Black I can do, dark dark red at a push, but pink!! OMG I'm sweating thinking about it
Oh but thank you so much for thinking of me, I really appreciate it!
Ye are braver than me when it comes to dresses I tell ye
Thanks again
Anyway, she talked me round to the idea and I'm glad she did because the colour is really nice!
The other dress is the one whitecat sent M4L (there is a post on it somewhere lol)
Again it is beautiful!
So they arrived with chuckles this afternoon (that's the nickname for my postman, because he always has a face like a bulldog licking piss off of a nettle, although I need to stop with the nicknames because DS1 called him chuckles to his face last week and I just laughed, mortified, and told chuckles that was DS1 new word for this week so he was calling everyone it
Anyhoo, I see the packages, I can almost hear music as he hands (shoves) them over to me, I have been waiting for these!!
I take the packages into the bedroom and open them like a crazy lady, the dresses are only gorgeous!!!!
Both of them are gorgeous!!!
I realise that I am however a porker, and go rooting around my underwear drawer for my "suck it all in" Magic knickers (I use the word knickers loosely because they look more like a skin coloured tights version of cycling shorts with an extra high waist that Simon Cowel would be proud of!)
I find them and start to literally stuff myself into them, pulling them up and squeezing the fat in!!
(I then make a mental note to do this in the bathroom of the hotel so that Jolly Green Giant doesn't have to witness this monstrosity)
After I am now sufficiently sucked in (well not so much sucked in, but the fat is being kept in one place and not wobbling around as much) I try on the dresses!
Dress one, oh it is gorgeous, the neckline is prefect and the shape is so flattering.
The material however is not.
It shown up every single lump and bump, I can see the spare tyre underneath my first spare tyre, I'm sure if I look closely enough I can even see my stretch mark indents shining through.
Satin is so unforgiving!!!
I realise that I need an extremely forgiving dress (think the Queen of catholic dresses, ye know with all the forgiveness and all)
I think about what to do to cover my arms, so I wonder what a black shawl would look like, I of course have no shawl so I grab a pair of trousers and drape them over my shoulder.
Holy Frick, they have bulked me out to the size of the incredible hulk!!
People would mistake me for a cross dressing Mr Universe!
I promptly remove the offending item.
I get DH to take a pic of me wearing the dress, and DS1 tells me I look like a princess!
I pose for the photos and just as I am about to look at them DS2 comes out and gasps.
"Ah Mammy!!! you have a big fat belly like Kung Fu Panda"
I look at the photos and they do indeed confirm what DS2 is telling me, so I try on the second.
All well so far.
I ignore DH saying "wtf is that??" as I whip off the dress and remember that he has never actually set eyes on the tights/cycling shorts/suck it all in knickers combo I have going on under the dress, sure he will get over it
I then put on dress two.
This is gorgeous too, and it comes with a shawl which is a bonus!
I realise that this dress has the thinnest straps I have ever seen in my life.
Now I have two choices,
I could either go braless, or show my bra straps like a brazen hussy
I consider the no bra thing for a second and them come to my senses.
There aint no way I'm letting the spaniels ears off of the leash for the night!
I would be constantly moving my nipples from my arm pits, back to the centre of the dress, or even worse, I would have them making great friends with my belly button, actually below the sash!!!
Oh god I have visions of the sash being tied up and the shape of two nipples poking out from under it...............NOT the look I plan to go for.
I rummage around for a bra and find some sort of liquid filled one with thin straps.
This seems to keep the girls where they should be and the straps don't look too bad.
I place the shawl over me and I think this could be okay after all.
How the hell I keep the shawl up is beyond me cos I sure as hell ain't getting out my bat wings for the world to see (why bat wings? well lets just say that they are a step up from the bingo wings)
I go to get the shoes that I ordered a while ago, and put them on.
As I go to show DH this dress I realise that I can't feckin walk in the heels and nearly go arse over tit onto the kitchen floor (that's just what I would need, a trip to see doctor love with a broken leg whilst I have my incredibly hairy legs (I know, there is no excuse apart from the fact that my octuplet carrying sized belly makes it awkward to shave them) and even more horrendous tights/cycling shorts/suck it all in knickers.
It doesn't bare thinking about, so I take the shoes off and vow to shave my legs and change before I practice walking in them
I now have two dresses, both which I hope will fit properly by the time the ball comes.
Thanks M4L, Whitecat and E
Now.....where did I put that ladyshave............................
It doesn't bare thinking about, so I take the shoes off and vow to shave my legs and change before I practice walking in them
I now have two dresses, both which I hope will fit properly by the time the ball comes.
Thanks M4L, Whitecat and E
Now.....where did I put that ladyshave............................