
Friday, February 20, 2009

My Doctors

Well here you go guys!! the much sought after blog! lol

I figure the best way to start this would be to put all my Doctor Love posts in the same place so you could come and have a laugh at my expence whenever you like!

So that is how we will start..........................

Well I'm back from the docs.

Oh how I love that man, not only does he make my kids better but he once again made me feel small.

Yes that's right, he actually made me (the fat girl) feel small.

You see, he is about 6foot 6 and towers over me so I always feel like a little slip of a thing whenever I see him which is always nice!

I couldn't wait until he stood up at the end of the appt to say goodbye, I swear I almost went weak at the knees.

I had to stop myself from throwing my arms around him and kissing him (although in fairness I would only have reached the top of his chest, but thinking about it, I still would have done it :lol: )

Although maybe kissing isn't the right word, I mean I just wanted to show my eternal gratitude towards him.
To be honest, when DS dropped his soother and I went to pick it up, I had to stop myself kissing his leg! 

Then just to top things off, the young doctor came into the room to ask my tall doctor a question (now when I say young, I mean my age 28, and did I mention that he has floppy curly hair that hangs into his eyes, which is just adorable and he has such a boyish charm about him)

I tried to go to him once, but he was so good looking that I just turned into a blithering mess whilst trying to explain that DS3 needed more eczema cream!

Tall doc however is okay, he is much older than me and isn't too good looking but he is such a gentleman though which is always nice

Now I haven't told you about my fave ever doc!
He works here for 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off and to say the women love him would be an understatement!

He is tanned, a very well aged 50 year old south African man who has so much charm oozing out of every pore!
He is also the most fantastic doctor you could ever bring your child to, which again pleases us women!
DH calls him doctor Love!

Now usually I would avoid someone like that because of the aforementioned blithering eejit thing that floppy haired doc reduces me too, but Doctor Love has such a great way of soothing you and putting you at ease that I was surprisingly fine with him! (he also touched my hand on my very first appt when I had pcos and told me everything was going to be alright, and then as I walked to reception he walked behind me with his hand on my lower back reassuringly :inlove: )

Now before you think "perv" (like I instantly would were someone telling me the same thing) , 
I was in need of the comfort and, despite me willing him to do so about a zillion times, he has never done it since!

Saying that, the downfall is that I would DIE if I ever had to show him my boobs or bajingo for anything :crazy: 
I would need a really ugly male doc or better still a female for something like that!

Now where was I................Oh yes, floppy haired doc came into the room just as I was standing up, back towards him, huge gigantic enormous arse in full view aarrgghh!!
Why oh why couldn't he had just come in a few seconds earlier when my arse was safely hidden away by the seat and the baby was blocking any view of my belly too 

He smiled and said hello, and I flashed him my best grin (hoping that the lippy I put on without a mirror in the car park hadn't found it's way onto my teeth) but even the hello came out as a muffle.
He must think I'm a total halfwit!!

Still, I felt a little small still as tall doc was still standing up so I managed to exit the room a little happier :biggrin: 

More to follow ...............................................


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