
Friday, February 20, 2009

Frickity Frick!!

The ordeal isn't over yet!!..........................................................................

So I'm in the bank, waiting in line (always bloomin busy in there) with DS2 (he HAS to come in with me because he KNOWS they have a bowl of lolly pops at the counter :sigh: )

So there I was reading a leaflet about online banking just so I look like I'm using my time constructively (they don't know I have had online banking for over a year now 
:lookround: )

The Old Lady at the front is taking forever, I'm sure she has just asked the girl at the counter for a million euro in one cent coins 

Anyway, I have my cheque in my hands ready to lodge and I'm excited that I will be going away soon, so I let my mind wonder until I hear the door open. all by now will KNOW who walked in..........................Don't pretend you haven't guessed.................................................................................................

That's right, it was the one, the only, Doctor Love.

First at the shops when I was buying my bajingo pads, then at the doctors with DS3 where we had the very entertaining discussion about balls 
:crazy: and the nurse wanted him to grope the girls :blush: and now at the fricking bank!

It was okay though, he smiled at me and I smiled back.

He didn't need to join the queue thank goodness, and I thought that I could finally say that I had a normal, non embarassing encounter with Doctor Love until DS2 pipes up.

"Mammy that's Doctor Love" at the top of his voice.

For the first time in my life I am actually grateful of the fact that he has a slight delay with his speech because it came out as "Mammy dats dota yuv"

He then had to walk past me as my queue reached the flippin exit door (little oul lady is still at the counter so I haven't budged) and said 
"Hello H (Babydust)" with a huge grin.

I smiled back and said "Hi J (Doctor Love)" trying to drown out the extremely loud FRICK that was currently screeching continuously inside my head.

Please, please puhleeeeaassssssseeee tell me he didn't understand him!! 
:crazy: :crazy: :blush: :lookround:

I still have to face him, and bump into him (because that seems to be a given now every time I leave the frickin house) 

I would be laughing my head off if it wasn't feckin true!!!! 
:crazy: :blush: 

But seeing as I can't laugh at it, I thought that maybe some of you lot could........ 


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new Blog...have saved it to my favourites for those days when I need a good giggle!!


Anonymous said...

Whopppppeeee there's a blog :D

Well done missus, looking forward to reading more of your brilliant works of real-life art!!!

Anonymous said...

and remember - you wanted ME to be your agent (just when the movie deals come in) and I HAVE it in writing. Soooooo happy you have done this.

Anonymous said...

Added to my favourites, well done!!!

Anonymous said...

babydust your dr luv stories just craack me up every time great to have them all in the one place have bookmarked it

Anonymous said...

well done on the blog babydust..have this saved on my favourites so looking forward to reading lots more!!

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